Tuesday 15 January 2013

Lovely Poem.....

I count the hours,
I count the days.
How much I miss you,
I count the ways.

I miss your voice,
I miss your touch.
And I miss the face,
That I love so much.

How to describe it,
There is now way.
I walk around,
In a permanent daze.

I long to feel,
Your warm embrace.
And to see a smile,
Upon your face.

I will not sleep,
Won't close one eye.
Until you're with me,
Safe and alive.

This is the life you've chosen,
And I can't change your mind.
You've found your inner bravery,
And now I must find mine.

I miss you so much,
To the moon and the stars.
And this feeling will go on,
Until you're safe in my arms.